A contract has been signed and work begins this month at the Malaghan Institute for Medical Research in Wellington. The Agreement to fund a one year…
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis or LAM, is a rare but devastating lung disease that most commonly affects women between the ages of 20 and 40. There is currently…
A woman with LAM developed bronchitis. She was having trouble breathing because she had so much mucus in her airways. No amount of coughing would…
Building on networks made at 2007 and 2008 LAM Symposia hosted by the Boston based LAM Treatment Alliance, New Zealand LAM Trust Director Bronwyn Gray…
LAM Trust Director, Bronwyn Gray attended the September ’08 LAM Treatment Summit held at the University of Sussex, Brighton UK and hosted by the LAM…
LAM Trust Director and Member of the Board of the New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders, Bronwyn Gray will attend the 4th International Conference on…
The LAM Trust takes an active part in working alongside an ever increasing number of rare disease organisations in this country and around the world…
LAM TREATMENT ALLIANCE GLOBAL LAM PATIENT SUMMIT11-13 January 2008Oxford, United KingdomSUMMIT REPORT Fifty seven researchers,clinicians, patients and patient family members representing seventeen countries met in…
A letter writing campaign to specifically raise funds for the current scientific collaboration in New Zealand, Australia and USA is underway. Supporters of the work…
In January 2007, The LAM Foundation formed the Worldwide LAM Patient Coalition (WLPC) to collaborate with patient organizations in Canada, Germany, France, England, New Zealand,…