The ASB Trust funded programme of LAM Awareness aimed at General Practitoners in the Auckland region is underway. The June issue of Pro Care’s magazine…
Fairmont Resort, Blue Mountains, Australia Symposium Report by Jen Shieff – Trustee, NZ LAM Trust The 2006 Virginia Northwood Memorial LAM Science Symposium was hosted…
Hotel du Vin Fabulous weather, breathtaking vineyard setting , sublime food from Peter Gordon and his team in the kitchen. 170 supporters of the NZ…
Principal Investigator at the University of Auckland School of Medical and Health Sciences: Assoc/ Professor Mervyn J Merrilees and investigation team The first investigations in…
The LAM Trust is delighted to announce that it has received funding from the ASB Community Trusts for the 2006 year. The funds will be…
14 October 2005By Kate Buchanan Lisa Wishart-Wyeth has no face to recall, no name to pay tribute to. But the teenage girl that fills her…
Dates and Venue are now confirmed for the 3rd New Zealand/Australia LAM Science Symposium for 2006: April 30th will see the opening of the 3rd…
Auckland University News, April 2005 LAM Trust Director Bronwyn Gray, her daughter Lisa, and Professor Merv Merrilees feature on the cover of the April 2005…
April 2005 LAM Trust Director Bronwyn Gray, together with Professor Merv Merrilees, Principal Investigator, LAM Studies, University of Auckland, School of Medicine will attend the…
LAM Trust Director Bronwyn Gray attended the first ever International Conference on Rare Diseases which was held at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-16…