LAM Trust diretor returns from American conference

New Zealand LAM Trust Director Bronwyn Gray recently attended the annual American LAM Foundation Basic and Clinical Science Conference held in Cincinnati at the end of March. The Conference hosted LAM patients and their families along with the largest gathering to date of scientists, clinicians and physicians from around the world.

Associate Professor Merv Merrilees, Head of the Department of Anatomy with Radiology at Auckland University School of Medicine, joined with 80 researchers from Rotterdam, London, Moscow, Milan, Toronto, Nottingham and all over the United States to present papers and take part in discussion topics which covered diverse areas of LAM science research.

Over the three days, 26 papers were presented and covered major aspects of LAM science and research with sessions on LAM smooth muscle proliferation, hormone receptors, LAM pathology and cell biology as well as the genetics of LAM.

Philadelphia-based New Zealand scientist and leading cell biologist, Dr Jilly Evans chaired the cell biology session at which Associate Professor Merv Merrilees presented his paper.

Running concurrently with the science sessions was the LAM patient and family conference attended by approximately 100 patients from countries including the USA, Canada, Brazil, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia.

Bronwyn Gray, NZ LAM Trust Director with Sue Byrnes, Director of the American LAM Foundation – at the Cincinnati Gala
Wellington LAM patient Sally Birch with Associate Professor Merv Merrilees, from the University of Auckland
Soon to visit New Zealand: Dr Frank McCormack, Scientific Director of the American LAM Foundation, with Dr Deborah Hunter from the M. D. Anderson Cancer Centre, at the LAM Foundation Gala