October 2013 LAM NZ Update

The LAM Trust invites you to the Annual Gift Of Music Charity Concert by the Renowned Concert Pianist Mi-Yeon I.
Founded by Mi-Yeon I, the aim is to contribute and reach out to the community through music. All profits made from the Gift of Music concerts are donated annually to various charities in New Zealand. This year’s “Gift of Music”, performed on Friday 20 September at the University of Auckland’s School of Music benefited Mi-Yeon’s chosen Charities: The NZ LAM Trust and Child Poverty Action.
The LAM Trust wishes to thank Mi-Yeon for her generosity and support for our work. It was such a wonderful concert and we hope to try to work on a very special house concert when Mi Yeon is back in New Zealand… sometime next year.
Further information on Mi-Yeon can be found on her website www.miyeoni.com.