Rubicon donates $20,000

The Trustees would like to acknowledge and give enormous thanks to Rubicon N.Z. Ltd and to Dr Jilly Evans and Rubicon CEO Luke Moriaty for the largest one-off donation made to the LAM Trust since its inception in 1999.

Rubicon donated $20,000 which will enable the Trustees to consider a new and exciting LAM science pilot project to be undertaken at the University of Auckland’s School of Medicine.

The past months have seen some exciting breakthrough work in LAM science and investigation taking place in the United States; the funds from Rubicon, along with funds raised over the past two years in this country will enable the NZ LAM Trust and the Trust’s Medical and Scientific Advisory team to support a scientific programme here in New Zealand which will be part of the collaborative effort to find the cause and ultimately the cure for this disease.

Trust director Bronwyn Gray welcomes any enquiries via this site regarding the latest developments in LAM Scientific work.